Saint John Named a Top Port of Call on Yahoo Travel Site

SAINT JOHN (NB) - Our Port City has been named a top global destination by Smarter Travel.The Smarter Travel piece, also published by popular travel site Yahoo Travel, ranked Saint John as one of seven travel destinations in their "Best ports of call" feature. The city is listed alongside ports like Marina Bay, Singapore and Tasmania, Australia.Smarter Travel writer Dara Continenza notes the surge in cruise traffic in North American markets, highlighting Saint John specifically. "Once docked, check out the quaint uptown area, filled with Victorian charm, before experiencing the famous Reversing Falls via jet boat. Almost everything in Saint John revolves around the water—a perfect destination for seafaring travelers," she writes.Port Saint John is fourth in the country by cruise traffic, with close to 188,000 passengers visiting in 2012."We are thrilled to receive such prestigious international recognition for Saint John as a leading cruise destination," said Jim Quinn, President & CEO, Port Saint John. "To be recognized by a high profile travel site such as Yahoo in this way continues to raise awareness of this port of call to cruise consumers; this will further develop and strengthen destination awareness in this market is a priority of our cruise marketing efforts."Read "Best ports of call" here.

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Media contactPaula SmallManager of Stakeholder & Community RelationsPort Saint Johnc. (506) 650-5288e. psmall@

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