In recent years, Port Saint John has focused on enhancing our safety programs and culture. It’s been a team effort, with everyone doing their part to strive for a healthy, incident-free workplace. We received ISO 45001 certification in November 2022.
ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health & Safety Management System)
Port Saint John is proud to be ISO 45001:2018 certified. ISO (International Organization of Standardization) is one of the most rigorous and well-regarded standards in the world. ISO is a voluntary externally audited program based on continuous improvement.
As the first Port in Canada to achieve ISO 45001:2018 certification, we are proud to proclaim our commitment to safety in all aspects of our organization.
ISO 45001:2018 is an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) which provides a system for measuring and improving an organization's health and safety impact.
Marine Transportation Security Clearance Program
The Marine Transportation Security Clearance Program is an integral component of marine security which keeps the Canadian supply chain secure. The MTSC program identifies key positions in the Marine Transportation environment that requires a background check prior to having access to critical/restricted areas, infrastructure, and information. If your employer has identified your position as one that requires a MTSC, please follow the steps below to apply:
Step 1: Your employer must reach out to the PSJ Pass office by sending an email to enrollment@sjport.com with the following information about the applicant: name, email address, contact number, company, position/occupation and preferred language – this information will initiate the application process.
Step 2: You will receive a welcome email from the Transportation Security Services program. Please use a high degree of detail when following the steps laid out in the welcome email and the subsequent emails to follow as you complete the process. Failure to do so may result in a delayed process or need to reapply.
Step 3: Once the online portion of the application is complete, you will be prompted to schedule a time for your in-person portion of your application. During your 20-minute appointment you will be submitting fingerprints and a headshot photo to Transport Canada. You must also bring in the original copies of your supporting documents for validation. The appointment will be 111 Water St, Saint John NB with access to parking.
Step 4: Once your clearance is approved (1-6 months), you will receive an email informing you that your ID badge, updated with your security clearance level, is ready for pick-up.
PSJ facilitates this program on behalf of transport Canada and has no insight or control over approvals or denials.
Your ID badge remains property of the Saint John Port Authority and must be returned upon request.
PSJ reserves the right to deny access to our facilities regardless of your security clearance level.
Your ID badge must be displayed from the waist up while in restricted areas.
Hot work permits are required for all hot work, burning, working with an open flame, or welding carried out on Port Property both ashore and on board ship.
Anyone else applying, please contact the Port Security (506) 636-5044.
All Dangerous Goods Permit requests shall be made to the Harbour Master’s office by 12 pm on the last normal working day preceding the expected time of arrival of such goods in the Port. This includes dangerous goods for export, import, to be retained on board vessel or to be used within the Port. Agents must also ensure that the Stevedore or Terminal Operator, the Ocean Carrier and the Inland Carrier all receive a copy of any permit. Permits are obtained through Port Saint John’s Vessel Portal (Port Control).
Vessels are required to report, prior to arrival in Port, any dangerous goods on board whether for discharge or in transit. This may be done through Canadian Coast Guard ECAREG reporting procedures. A copy of the Dangerous Goods Manifest for all hazardous materials on board the vessel should be readily accessible to shore personnel while the vessel is in Port in the event of an emergency situation occurring.
For further information contact the Harbour Master.
All facilities at Port Saint John are in compliance with International Ship and Port Facility Code (ISPS) and Canadian Marine Transportation Security Regulations (MTSR), and have Security Plans that have been approved by Transport Canada.
Saint John Port Authority works in relationship with the following groups, please refer to the respective websites for more information:
Canadian Border Services Agency | Transport Canada | Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Port Saint John requests that all individuals who require a Port Pass have their employer send an email to the Operations Specialist. Once confirmation is received, individuals will be required to book an appointment to process the photo and pass. A government issued ID is required as well as a $24 + HST processing fee. No walk-in appointments.
For further information contact Tanner McDevitt, Port Security Officer.
Strengthening Security in our Business
Throughout COVID-19 our security forces acted as front-line screening personnel at our corporate office as well all other Port-operated facilities. Security enhancements and initiatives continued through 2021 including:
Planning stage for a multi-year capital replacement of CCTV system software. This includes upgrades to real-time camera monitoring, recording, and access control. Phase 1 of this project to be complete in 2022,
a multi-year process of harmonizing expiry dates of Marine Facility Security Plans is ongoing
Throughout 2021 there have been some positive outcomes regarding emergency management.
Our continuous emergency planning and training were put into practice in November through a security exercise, “Cyber Synergy Saint John” including an escalation from MARSEC 1 to MARSEC 2. This involved a full activation of the Port Emergency Response Plan and on-site Emergency Operations Centre and involvement from Port stakeholders and terminal operators.