Donna Gates Elected Vice Chair of the Board for Port Saint John

At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors for Port Saint John (Saint John Port Authority), Donna Gates was elected to the position of Vice Chair of the Board by her peers.  The term of Vice Chair of the Board is two years with eligibility for re-election.Donna joined the Board of Directors for Port Saint John in December 2016 and was elected Vice Chair of the Board in February of 2018.  Donna also holds the position of Chair of the Human Resources Committee.Donna is the Executive Director of Living SJ, which is leading the city's social renewal strategy. This network of government, non-profit, business and neighbourhood leaders is applying a collective impact model to end generational poverty in Saint John.  She is also currently a Director of the YMCA's Endowment Board.Donna has held senior roles in the non-profit sector as the Vice President of Philanthropy and Communications at the Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick and as the Vice President of the Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation.

Port Saint John is Canada’s third largest port by tonnage, Canada’s fourth busiest cruise port, and has a diverse cargo base, including dry and liquid bulk, break bulk, and containers.

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Media contact: Paula Copeland, Director, Communications & Corporate Social Responsibility, Port Saint John, pcopeland@, (506) 650-5288.


Élection de Donna Gates comme vice-présidente du conseil de Port Saint John


Une augmentation de 19 % est prévue pour la 30e saison annuelle des croisières à Port Saint John